In a recent round of Innovate UK Design Foundations Funding, The High Street Experts and Nightingale Design Research secured a government grant to develop tools, systems and processes to support the recovery and growth of high street markets throughout the UK.
A key part of developing effective tools and processes is understanding the needs of everyone involved in creating a successful market. Therefore, our research team is planning to visit markets across the UK to interview market operators, traders and shoppers.
The team would like to include a variety of market in this research. Over the next few weeks we would like to visit on market day and speak directly to operators, traders and shoppers to understand their experiences and to identify any changes that could make the market more attractive to vendors and customers.
We would also like to invite you to participate in a one-hour interview, to provide background on the market and to discuss the barriers and opportunities that you have identified in supporting and growing the market. Your valuable input will help to shape our design process and contribute to the important steps being taken to revitalise our high streets.
All information will be stored securely and only used for research purposes. Responses will be confidential and all findings will be reported anonymously.
Anyone who participates in this research will receive a copy of the final white paper detailing the findings and recommendations. You will also have the opportunity to take part in roundtable discussions of the findings, allowing you to grow your network and visibility in this sector.
If you are interested in participating, or have any questions, please contact us.